This is your growth


This morning in that in between dream and awake moment a mantra was repeating, like an ancestor was whispering wisdom “a loss is a lesson, a failure is an opportunity” ... take the mysticism out of it and it was my subconscious finally showing some grace.

When a project fails, or doesn’t go the way you thought it would, or you miss the mark... Try your best not to stress it for too long, if you approached that project with good intention and hard work it’s impossible to leave it without a lesson. This is your growth. You can’t mess up anything that is for you. This thing you thought you wanted wasn’t for you in that moment, but something else is, and what you’re learning right now is 100% necessary for that thing.
Winston Churchill said “success is not final, failure is not fatal... it is the courage to continue that counts.”
I vibe with that.

Selena Samuela